Satisfactory Academic Progress


To maintain financial aid eligibility, you must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward obtaining a degree. 无论你是否获得了经济援助,SAP都会在每个学期结束时进行监测. This policy applies to all federal, state and university funded grants, 还有一些私人贷款.


本科 Qualitative Measure (Cumulative 平均绩点) 

本科生必须保持至少2的累积平均绩点(平均绩点).0 at the end of each academic term.

本科 Qualitative Measure (Term 平均绩点)

本科 students must maintain a term 平均绩点 of at least 2.0 at the end of each academic term.

研究生 minimum cumulative grade-point average (平均绩点)

研究生 students must maintain a minimum cumulative 平均绩点 of 3.0.



进度由成功完成的累计学时数除以尝试完成的累计学时数确定, including transfer hours that have been accepted.

本科生必须在所有课程中保持67%的进度, 包括转学学分.

Maximum Timeframe for Completion


联邦法规要求学生在课程所需学分的150%内完成学位. 例如, 攻读要求完成161学分的学士学位的学生必须在241学分内达到学位要求.

Attempted credits include all earned, unearned, repeated and transfer credits. 即使没有收到经济援助或没有完成学分的情有可原的情况下,所有尝试的学分都计入这一限制.

学生的记录将被评估,以确定他们是否能够在允许的最长时间内完成学位. 当确定学生不能在150%的学分限额内完成课程时, the student will be suspended from receiving financial aid.




  • 学分未遂 -学生获得及格成绩(“D”或以上)或“F”、“W”或“I”的所有课程.
  • 学分完成 - All classes for which a student receives a passing grade of “D” or better.
  • 审计信用 - Do not count as credits attempted or completed.
  • 重复的课程 - Count as credits attempted during each term the student is enrolled in the course; however, 这些学分将在课程第一次获得及格成绩时作为修满的学分计算.
  • 转移学分 -从其他机构转到正规的赌博app的学分计入尝试学分和已修学分.

Course 取款 and Incompletes

  • 取款 -所有退学成绩都被视为未成功完成学业,并对令人满意的学业进步产生负面影响. This includes official withdrawal grades W and WN, which are not calculated in the grade point average.
  • 课程不完整 -在提交最终成绩之前,未完成的成绩将被视为未成功完成.


换专业的学生最多只能获得新专业所需学分150%的助学金, including all previous credit hours attempted, regardless of the major declared at the time.


Students pursuing additional undergraduate degrees are required to maintain a 2.0 平均绩点 and complete (earn) 67% of the remaining courses for the additional degree. 最长时间将根据完成额外学位所需剩余时间的150%计算.


  • 学生第一次重修某门课程(以前未通过或第一次通过的课程)可以获得资助。.
  • A student may receive aid when repeating a course that was previously failed, regardless of the number of times the course was attempted and failed. (Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy still applies.)
  • A student may receive aid to repeat a previously passed course 再来一次.
  • Once a student has completed any course twice with a passing grade, he/she is no longer eligible to receive aid for that course.
  • 联邦法规的变化适用于学生是否获得了早期注册课程的资助.


In accordance with applicable financial aid regulations, 在某些条件下, 比如个人的, 服兵役, 疾病或健康, 就业, 人道主义或教堂服务, 家庭责任, 以及财务责任, students may request a leave of absence from the university. A leave of absence will allow the student’s status to remain as “in school,,使学生有资格在批准的时间内延期偿还学生贷款,而不是在大学积极注册.

经批准请假的学生不被视为退学. 对于联邦财政援助计划,休假必须符合以下准则:

  • 的 student has made a written request for the leave of absence
  • 的 leave of absence does not exceed 180 days
  • 学校在每12个月内只允许该学生请假一次
  • 的 school does not charge the student for the leave of absence

If a student's leave of absence is not approved, the student is considered to have withdrawn from the school, and the federal refund requirements apply.


  • 平均绩点


    本科 Qualitative Measure (Cumulative 平均绩点) 

    本科生必须保持至少2的累积平均绩点(平均绩点).0 at the end of each academic term.

    本科 Qualitative Measure (Term 平均绩点)

    本科 students must maintain a term 平均绩点 of at least 2.0 at the end of each academic term.

    研究生 minimum cumulative grade-point average (平均绩点)

    研究生 students must maintain a minimum cumulative 平均绩点 of 3.0.

  • 进度



    进度由成功完成的累计学时数除以尝试完成的累计学时数确定, including transfer hours that have been accepted.

    本科生必须在所有课程中保持67%的进度, 包括转学学分.

  • Maximum Timeframe for Completion

    Maximum Timeframe for Completion


    联邦法规要求学生在课程所需学分的150%内完成学位. 例如, 攻读要求完成161学分的学士学位的学生必须在241学分内达到学位要求.

    Attempted credits include all earned, unearned, repeated and transfer credits. 即使没有收到经济援助或没有完成学分的情有可原的情况下,所有尝试的学分都计入这一限制.

    学生的记录将被评估,以确定他们是否能够在允许的最长时间内完成学位. 当确定学生不能在150%的学分限额内完成课程时, the student will be suspended from receiving financial aid.



  • 课程学分


    • 学分未遂 -学生获得及格成绩(“D”或以上)或“F”、“W”或“I”的所有课程.
    • 学分完成 - All classes for which a student receives a passing grade of “D” or better.
    • 审计信用 - Do not count as credits attempted or completed.
    • 重复的课程 - Count as credits attempted during each term the student is enrolled in the course; however, 这些学分将在课程第一次获得及格成绩时作为修满的学分计算.
    • 转移学分 -从其他机构转到正规的赌博app的学分计入尝试学分和已修学分.
  • Course 取款 and Incompletes

    Course 取款 and Incompletes

    • 取款 -所有退学成绩都被视为未成功完成学业,并对令人满意的学业进步产生负面影响. This includes official withdrawal grades W and WN, which are not calculated in the grade point average.
    • 课程不完整 -在提交最终成绩之前,未完成的成绩将被视为未成功完成.
  • 改变专业


    换专业的学生最多只能获得新专业所需学分150%的助学金, including all previous credit hours attempted, regardless of the major declared at the time.

  • 额外的度


    Students pursuing additional undergraduate degrees are required to maintain a 2.0 平均绩点 and complete (earn) 67% of the remaining courses for the additional degree. 最长时间将根据完成额外学位所需剩余时间的150%计算.

  • 重复的课程


    • 学生第一次重修某门课程(以前未通过或第一次通过的课程)可以获得资助。.
    • A student may receive aid when repeating a course that was previously failed, regardless of the number of times the course was attempted and failed. (Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy still applies.)
    • A student may receive aid to repeat a previously passed course 再来一次.
    • Once a student has completed any course twice with a passing grade, he/she is no longer eligible to receive aid for that course.
    • 联邦法规的变化适用于学生是否获得了早期注册课程的资助.
  • 休假


    In accordance with applicable financial aid regulations, 在某些条件下, 比如个人的, 服兵役, 疾病或健康, 就业, 人道主义或教堂服务, 家庭责任, 以及财务责任, students may request a leave of absence from the university. A leave of absence will allow the student’s status to remain as “in school,,使学生有资格在批准的时间内延期偿还学生贷款,而不是在大学积极注册.

    经批准请假的学生不被视为退学. 对于联邦财政援助计划,休假必须符合以下准则:

    • 的 student has made a written request for the leave of absence
    • 的 leave of absence does not exceed 180 days
    • 学校在每12个月内只允许该学生请假一次
    • 的 school does not charge the student for the leave of absence

    If a student's leave of absence is not approved, the student is considered to have withdrawn from the school, and the federal refund requirements apply.


金融援助 Warning/Probation/Suspension

在学期结束时未能达到“令人满意的学业进步”最低标准的学生将被置于经济援助警告中. 在经济援助警告期间,学生可以继续获得一个学期的经济援助. Your progress will be monitored at the end of each academic term. If you enroll in back to back academic terms, 请在开始连续第二个学期之前与财政援助办公室核实.

If, at the end of the financial aid warning period, the student is meeting the minimum requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress, the financial aid warning is lifted.

在经济援助警告学期后,学业进展不理想的学生将没有资格获得经济援助. 你可以上诉. 如果你的上诉被批准, your financial aid eligibility will be reinstated, and you will be placed on Probation for one term. 如果你的上诉被拒绝,你的经济资助将在下一个学期暂停.

If, 在经济援助试用期结束时,学生达到了令人满意的学业进步的最低要求, the financial aid probation is lifted.

在经济资助试用学期后,学业成绩不达标的学生将被取消经济资助资格,并被暂停经济资助, and you will not be eligible to receive aid for your next period of enrollment.


如果有情有可原的情况导致学生未能达到上述标准之一, a written appeal may be submitted. Examples of extenuating circumstances include, 但不限于:直系亲属意外死亡或重大住院治疗, extended hospitalization or medical condition of student, 着火的房子, 或其他特殊情况. 上诉应处理和记录这些情有可原的情况,并包括:

  • Why you failed to make Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • 是什么改变让你在下个学期取得了令人满意的学业进步

的 吸引力的形式 is available on the 金融援助 Website. 上诉表格必须在你提出上诉的学期开始前三周提交给财政援助办公室. 上诉s must include supporting documentation. Incomplete appeals or those missing adequate documentation are typically denied.


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